Blood in urine (hematuria) - Diagnosis and treatment
Blood in urine (hematuria) - Diagnosis and treatment
Presence of blood in urine is called as Hematuria. It is broadly classified into two types as gross: visible to naked eye or that can be seen and reported by patient and second type as Microscopic: invisible to naked eye or that is detected on urine testing and seen under microscope. There are various causes of hematuria that can range from innocuous finding in UTI to harbinger of potential malignancy.

These tests and exams play a key role in finding a cause for blood in the urine:
Physical exam : This includes a talk with a health care provider about your health history.
Urine tests : These can be used to diagnose blood in the urine. They also can be used weeks or months later to see if the urine still has blood in it. Urine tests also can check for a urinary tract infection or for minerals that cause kidney stones.
Imaging tests : An imaging test is often needed to find the cause of blood in the urine. You might need a CT or MRI scan, or an ultrasound exam.
Cystoscopy : A health care provider threads a narrow tube fitted with a tiny camera into your bladder to check for signs of disease.